How does Luca Maroni rates his wines

How does Luca Maroni rates his wines

Luca Maroni originated in Italy and is today one of the greatest wine critics in the world. His reviews are read worldwide and respected by wine lovers, wine collectors and those who simply enjoy drinking.

Luca Maroni's Journey
Luca Maroni was born in Rome in 1961 and graduated with a degree in economics and business in 1986. From 1987 to 1989, he worked with Luigi Veronelli and published the first wine Italian newsletter. In 1990 he founded his own publishing house and magazine "The Taster and Wine", which led to the collapse of the partnership with Luigi.
Since 1990, Luca Maroni has published more than 70 books on Italian wines and wines from around the world, many of which have been translated into English and German. In addition, he wrote and published 72 issues of his journal.
Luca finds great interest and interest in the study of wine and has been involved in numerous studies on wine and its physico-chemical components and organoleptic behaviour.

The winery Barbanera has Luca Maroni tasted 631 wines and given them an average 95.82

Luca has a lot of experience behind him and in 2000 he organized his first event "SENSOWFINE", which later became world famous and played out in great style. in New York and many other places. For such an event, around 12,000 bottles of wine, made by 1,800 different producers, are opened, all  available for tasting. Between 1988 and 2016, Luca estimates that he  tasted more than 300,000 different wines.

Luca loves the wine house of Nativ as their wine have an average rating of 98.25 based on 24 wine rating

Between 2001 and 2012, Maroni  won different awards. The first time was in 2001, when he received an award for his journalism. In 2006, he received the travel award for his influence on this front. In 2009, he received the honorary citizenship award and in 2012 the title of PhD in food and wine  industry.
Maroni Tasting System
Luca Maroni believes that the quality of a wine lies in the smoothness of its taste. There are three parameters that affect this quality;  consistency, balance and integrity of the  taste and aroma of the wine.
He calls this system the  Index of Likelihood (IP) and it simply describes how interesting a wine is. The result is obtained by assigning a score from 1 to 33 to each of the three quality-defining parameters. The formula looks like this:

PI= C + B + I

Consistency (C): the expressed volume of alcohol, as determined by its concentration in the dry extract. Durability and potential longevity.
Balance (B): The harmony of the ingredients, the ratio between the substances that make up the wine and make the wine taste sweet as acid lingers on the palate.
Integrity (I): no taste of sulfur alcohols, vinegar, lactose and wood or oxidation. Quality, purity and aroma of wine's ingredients: its technical caliber and potential longevity.

A busy wine taster

Luca Maroni yearly wine tastings

Since his beginning in 1996 has he on averager tasted more than 10,000 wines yearly.

The top 3 winery with the highest mean score

  • Nativ - mean rating 98 - 24 wine reviews
  • Bollina - mean rating 98 -  194 wine reviews
  • Riolite Vini - mean rating 97 - 132 wine reviews